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Those who hold a title with Miss Tourism Pageants, become the Role Models and Brand Ambassadors of our Name. We expect an impeccable, Moral, Integrity and Character Standards at all times. 

Miss Tourism Pageants does not have a no compete clause for city, state preliminary title holders.

Age Categories


JULY 10, 11, 12, 13, 2014.  NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE


​​​All Age groups:

  1. Contestants will compete the age will be on August 1, of the pageant year.

  2. Contestants may represent any state or country they have legitimate ties to.

  3. Contestants must be of impeccable Character, impeccable Moral Standing and have impeccable integrity. Kindness Matters!

  4. If a contestant falls in the final age group of a category, they may choose to move up an age category. 

  5. Contestant must be of good health and moral character.

  6. Contestants must be a natural born female.

  7. Contestant must never have been convicted of a felony crime and/or have never participated in any type of criminal activity.

  8. Contestant understands that by accepting a state or regional title, she is agreeing and making the commitment to attend and compete at the National Pageant for the entire duration of the event at the dates and location as selected by the WORLD MISS TOURISM HEADQUARTERS.

  9. Contestant understands the cost associated with the Miss Tourism Pageant and assumes the responsibility for all payment of fees, and will adhere to all deadlines for payment and paperwork deadlines as designated by the Worlds Miss Tourism Headquarters.

  10. ALL FEES are non-refundable, non-transferable under any circumstances, this includes, but not limited to withdrawing prior to the state/national pageant event, failing to attend state/national pageant, leaving during the event, disqualification during the preliminary/world pageant, and other circumstances at the discretion of the Executive Director.

  11. This pageant does not accept personal checks. We accept PayPal, Venmo or Money Order.

  12. Contestant must never have nor will she during her year of service pose for any photography, video or film associated with any full or partial nudity or pornography. Contestant must have never nor shall she not during her year of service engage in any employment or activity involving partial or full nudity and/or any form of adult entertainment industry.

  13. Any contestant and/or family member or guest showing less than sportsman like behavior, drama, and/or bullying will lead to the disqualification and removal of the contestant from the Miss Tourism Pageants. No refund will be given under these circumstances.

  14. Contestant and/or family members agrees not to slander the Miss Tourism  Pageant, its directors, titleholders, judges, volunteers, pageant partners, sponsors, or anyone else affiliated with the pageant.

  15. Contestant and/or family or guest may not approach the judges at any time before, during, or after the National Pageant.

  16. Contestant and their parent(s)/guardian gives permissions for photos, videos, and audio to be used for promotional and marketing purposes of the National United States Scholarship Pageant and its titleholders in all forms of media.

  17. Contestant agrees that all information provided on their entry form, paperwork, and all forms is true and accurate. If information is falsified, it may lead to disqualification of the contestant and loss of title. No refund will be given.

  18. Miss Tourism Pageants has the right to refuse anyone from competing at the World Pageant and representing their state at its sole discretion.

  19. World winners in the Main Event as noted below, will be required to sign a World Titleholder Contract, which includes a no-compete clause for the year.

    WORLDS MS. TOURISM: Ages 21-49
    WORLDS MRS. TOURISM: Ages 21-49


21. Miss Tourism Pageants is not responsible for any prizes forfeited by                    sponsors.

22. All prizes, awards, gifts, and scholarships are subject to change without              notice by the Worlds Miss Tourism Pageant.
23. Contestant understands that the Worlds Miss Tourism Pageant reserves the          right to change the dates, location, and competition details of the national          pageant at its discretion.
24. Participation in the Worlds Miss Tourism Pageant, both at the state and                National/World level, indicates that you and your parent/guardian (if under 18) agree to the rules and regulations and the Contestant-Parent  Agreement & Title Guidelines of the National United State Pageant.

25. Age 27 in the Miss age group and Age groups below: You will have never            have been married

26. Age 27 in the Miss age group and Age groups below: You will have not given        birth.

27. Ages 21-49 Ms. - May or may not have previously been married may or may        not have children 

  1. Must not be married at the time of competition

  2. Ages are as of August 1 of the competition year

  3. Natural born female




  1. Six months of primary residency in the state or country you wish to represent.

  2. Full time student one semester/quarter/trimester/summer session prior to the state pageant

  3. Family has a home or land in the state you wish to represent. 

  4. Orientation is only privilege to contestants, contestant helper(mom or dad) and authorized personnel. The contestant helper is strongly encouraged to attend orientation to retain knowledge of our dressing room policy.

  5. Orientation for all divisions will be held on Friday Morning 9:00AM. Contestant orientation and registration will be held in the ballroom of the host hotel.

  6. Early Registration is Thursday 6:00 -6:45PM in the vestibule of the ballroom and Friday Morning 9:30AM - 9:45 AM. 

  7. All Photos and scrapbooks for Role Model are turned in at registration properly marked in a photo protector. No writing directly on photos. We recommend using a mailing sticky label on the outside back of the protector with Contestant Name, Then Contestants Age, Then the competition. 

  8. All contestants are required to appear at contestant registration and orientation, if any contestants cannot appear at registration, an authorized representative must be present to represent the contestant and know that any contestant fees that have not been paid must be paid at registration, prior to competition start. 

  9. The contestant is responsible for obtaining all information from the representative regarding the pageant given during orientation. 

  10. Contestants are allowed to bring additional lighting or ring lights for dressing areas if extra lighting is needed. Miss Tourism Pageants also recommends if bringing extra lighting contestant also bring an extra power surge cord outlet for additional equipment plug-in. The extension outlet cord should be surge protected.



Please see our Official Handbook on CONTESTANT LOGIN page for complete rules & guidelines, Hotel Information and Detailed Competition Information. Only those contestants paid in full have access to the Contestant Login Page.


Miss Tourism Pageant is open to all female contestants. Contestants can register and/or enter the competition by simply submitting an official contestant form and paying the required fee.  


All contestants wishing to compete for Miss Tourism Pageants must remit a nonrefundable Title fee as follows:

Appointed Contestants:

Worlds Miss Tourism All Ages: $195.99

All-American NEW Contestants Only ALL Age Divisions: $155.99

Preliminary Qualified Contestants From a Live Pageant: Your Title Fee Paid by your Preliminary Director.


Age Information: Main Competition Only:

Contestants will compete in the age group they fall into as of August 1 of the pageant year. However, there is some flexibility: This is the 30 Day Rule: Younger Age Group: 

  1. If a contestant feels she is not as mature as others in her age group she may choose to stay in the younger age category

  2. Older Age Group: If a contestant feels more mature, she has the option to compete in the older age category.

This choice must be made at time of entry: Should a contestant change her mind deadline is April 1, of the pageant year, she is responsible for the financial cost of replacing her sash to compete in at finals.


Register To Compete At Nationals:

Age categories below for Worlds Miss Tourism -

All-American Miss Tourism and International Miss Tourism. 

PRE-TEEN: Ages 9-12
JR. TEEN: Ages 13-15
TEEN: Ages 16-18
MISS: Ages 19-25
MS.: Ages 21-49 - Single, widowed, or divorced, with or without children
MRS.: Ages 21-49 - Legally Married, with or without children

CLASSIC MS. 50 AND UP- Any Marital status, with or without children


Worlds/National Fees to compete at Finals: 

  1. World/National Registration Fee to Compete for Worlds Miss Tourism and All-American Miss Tourism at Finals $545.99 Due April 1, 2025

  2. Preliminary Qualified Contestants Director Pays a Portion of your Registration fee. 

  3. All 6 Grand Supreme Competitions (must do a minimum of 4): $275.99 Due by May 1, 2025

  4. Individual Grand Supreme Options additional photos: $100.00 each

  5. Cover Girl Ad space must be turned in by Due by May 1, 2025

  6. Miss Tourism Role Model: $225.99 Due by June 1, 2025

  7. International Miss Tourism: $225.99 Due by June 1, 2025

  8. Queen of Queens title Cut off April 1, 2025.


Age categories below for all optional events:


PRINCESS: Ages 5-12

TEEN: Ages 13-18




Discount Certificates: Only one discount is allowed per  pageant year. If you received more than one discount we recommend using the higher discount certificate. â€‹



  1. Preliminary title holders Do not have a no Compete Clause. 

  2. Miss Tourism Pageants is a Community Service Pageant. Meaning queens should be involved in their community in some way or fashion during her reign. 

  3. There are NO LIMITS on the amount of posting to social or the amount of appearances you should do. There are on the World Winners. (We do award those who post in crown and sash 2 times a month with 30 additional points)

  4. When posting photos, these are basic requirements for Appointed Queens and World Contracted Queens. 

    1. Always Look like the Queen you are. Dress Nice. ​

    2. Always post photos and video in the Tourism Crown and sash.

    3. For events like K-runs or cleaning kennels etc. Please wear a Tourism T-shirt when you are unable to wear your Tourism Crown or sash. Look Nice. 

  5. Hints for you to feel the most confident:

    1. Shower/Bathe prior to an event

    2. Floss Teeth, Brush teeth, and use mouthwash.

    3. Use a light fresh fragrance. Anything too floral or heavy can give others a headache 

    4. Wear something that makes you look and feel beautiful and Queen Like

    5. Wear clean shoes

    6. Avoid tight fitting clothing.

  6. When interacting with the public:

    1. Always be kind​

    2. Always make those coming up to you feel welcomed

    3. Never be on an electronic devise except to take selfies with fans

    4. Always stay until every little girl gets a photo and autograph for what she thinks is Queen of the Whole Wide World. 

  7. Safety Measure:​

    1. Never post where you will be, always post after.​

    2. Come up with a safe word or phrase in case you are beginning to feel uncomfortable. Make sure it is a word only you and the person with you know. Make it outrageous like (Snickers or I want a snickers) When that word or phrase is said your accompaniment knows you need space and time alone for a little bit. 

    3. Always have a plan. You are a celebrity at an event and people will recognize that. 



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