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How do I make an Appearance.

How to Make a Memorable Appearance

First, ask yourself: How do I want to be seen? What will my legacy be to the next queen when I pass my title on? Hopefully your legacy will be that of our Michael Josephson Character phrase on our Home Page and as elegant, classy, kind and personable. The best Queen we have ever had! That should be the legacy you want to leave. 

Then, let’s talk about safety—because your well-being is our top priority. Here’s a simple guide to help you prepare for any public appearance.

Safety First: These are just suggestions, not rules, but we want you to stay safe at all times, so please take them into consideration.

Never attend events alone. Having someone you trust by your side is crucial.

Choose a stage name. This can help protect your identity. When picking a stage name, make sure to keep your public persona separate from your personal life. For example, if your name is Mya and you decide to go by "Ramona Quigley," be sure to update all your professional profiles and posts with your new name as soon as possible.

Create your identity. Once you have your stage name, set up new social media pages and attach your titles to that name. The sooner you do this, the better.

Come up with a safe word. This is a word or phrase you can use when you feel uncomfortable in any situation. For example, if you feel someone is following you, your safe word might be pickles. Then you might say, "I'm really craving pickles right now," or maybe your safe word is Starbucks you might say, "I could really go for a caramel macchiato from Starbucks." Choose a word that’s easy to remember but not something you say often.

Before any event, make sure the people with you know your safe word and what it means to them. Be sure they know what to do.  If you use it, they should immediately:

Remove you from public view until the situation is assessed.
Ensure someone stays with you at all times.
Inform the event staff about what’s happening.
Leave the event if necessary.
While these steps may seem extreme, it's better to be safe. The world has changed, and it’s important to have safety measures in place.

A Few Things to Avoid:

Don’t post your location. Keep your appearance plans private until after the event.
Avoid bringing friends or boyfriends to events. They can sometimes get bored or jealous of the attention you receive, which might distract them from supporting you should a situation arise.
Always present yourself in a kind, friendly, and professional manner. And don’t hesitate to use your safe words if needed.


Now that you have safety procedures in place, let's talk about appearances, challenges, photo ops, community service and fluff events:

All of our queens and kings hope to be noticed for more events, press, commercials or TV but how do you go about it? It takes a lot of work. A lot of work. and sometimes the pay off may not happen right away. But stick with us and grow with us and it will.

Basic Terminology

Appearances: An appearance is when you are in public at an event and you are physically there to do a job. Whether passing out something for event organizers, or speaking, or entertaining you have a job. You are a celebrity bringing attention to an event.  Do the job they give you better than anyone else has ever seen before. Be extra! This is your time to shine. Shine so bright night time looks like Day time!

Challenges: A challenge is something we at Tourism have been doing for many years. We challenge our queens to get out of her comfort zone by challenging themselves to try new things. These challenges are not like the boring Pageant countdowns other pageants do. These are actual confidence boosters and mental growing experiences you find them in our Blog Challenges at the very top of the website.

Photo Ops: A Photo Op is an unusual opportunity to grab that once in a lifetime photo in your crown and sash. That means you must carry your crown and sash with you in case that photo op appears.


Community Service: A  community service when you help for a charitable cause, like visiting nursing home, children's homes, hospitals, read to kids or seniors, organize a park or lake clean up, clean kennels at shelter, Donate. 

Fluff Events: Fluff events are just fun things you get to do because you are a Queen some include: Riding in parades, ribbon cutting ceremonies, throwing a pitch out in minor league ball game men's or women's. Things the general population thinks you do all the time.

How do you secure these events?: Get the best photo of you in your Official Crown and sash. Send in your photograph and bio so we can make a professional Miss Tourism Press Kit for you. Key ingredients for a biography include but not limited to: 
Personal Background: Share your story, including key personal details, such as your state, education, and interests.
Your Miss Tourism Pageant History: Outline your journey in with the Miss Tourism Pageant, including titles won, significant milestones, and any special recognitions.
Achievements & Awards: Highlight notable accomplishments both within Miss Tourism Pageants and outside, such as academic achievements, community service, or special talents.
Platform/Advocacy Details
In-depth Explanation: Provide more details about your platform or advocacy, including any initiatives or projects you’re involved in.
Impact: Share statistics, testimonials, or stories that demonstrate the impact of your work.
Future Plans: Discuss your goals and what you hope to achieve with Miss Tourism Pageants and your platform in the future.

Once we have the best photo you have ever done in a crown and sash and your bio we will get a Press Kit together for you. Once complete we will send the completed press kit to you in PDF form. 


What do you do with a Press Kit?: You advocate for yourself. Find civic clubs, church organizations, Tourism board, chamber of commerce, check hotels and ask what events are happening there, News, Radio Animal shelters, and you get dressed up and I don't mean your Sunday best, I mean you go out there looking like a queen they want to have represent them.  Showing up like you just came from work or school is not the way to make the best impression. Look like you are worthy and capable of helping their events. As always ask Miss Teri anything. After-All she booked models and taught modeling in Cincinnati for Years!! 

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