Official Miss Tourism Pageant Photographer 2025
Maxwell Photography
The most reasonable photo packages for your stage shots, individual shots, candid shots, crowning shots and Maxwell Photography graciously sponsors the grand photo shoot for Worlds Miss Tourism Age group winner and Grand Supreme Winners. Professional and fun to work with

Maxwell Photogrpahy
Fill in the form to get your photo package for 2025.
$100.00 Deposit Due upon completion of form. All Packages listed below.
Video and or Photos in Ballroom
Ballroom Rules and Etiquette: This pageant does not allow any person or technology to take any photo or video in the ballroom other than our Official Pageant Photographer. This in and for respect of our small business photographer.
This Pageant does not allow electronic devises up to and including but not limited to computers, tablets, phones should be on airplane mode while in the ballroom and should NOT be out in any ballroom event.
Points may be deducted from any contestant whose family or friends do not adhere to the policy.
Should a contestants family or friends be known to have violated this policy either immediate or later, the contestant shall be penalized of future gifts and prizes, and could lose her title.